Australasian Arabian Racing Club Inc.
AARC is a Member of the International Federation of Arabian Horse Racing (IFAHR) and is accepted to be a recognised organising body for Arabian Racing in Australia.
AARC Insurance Coverage
Public liability – our public liability insurance covers all owners, trainers and jockeys when they are training, transporting to and from races, attending races and all AARC activities. For example if your horse gets away and causes damage you are covered. The cover is for $20m for each event and we are covered for unlimited events. This policy is ratified and approved for racing by Racing Queensland (RQ).
Strappers and Employees Work Cover – This is another Standard Work Cover policy which covers the trainer’s strappers when they are at a race meeting. This policy also covers the employees of AARC when on duty and includes AARC stewards while at the track.
Volunteers Accident – Covering volunteers, work experience, including virtual volunteering from home, work for the dole & Centre Link mutual obligation, people carrying out activities on behalf & at the direction of AARC including direct travel to & from the voluntary activity for accidental injury or death.
Professional indemnity – Covers Professional Liability, Management Liability, Association Liability, Employment Practices Liability, Employee Fraud or Dishonesty and Superannuation Trustees Liability.
These policies are kept up-to-date by AARC on a yearly cycle and adjusted if required and a Certificate of Currency will be provided if necessary.
Registered AARC trainers must have a WorkCover policy to cover Jockeys and track work riders performing Trackwork for them as this is not an AARC activity. This policy costs $200 / year and is available from QLD WorkCover.